Od listopada 2005. je na području Europske unije stupio na snagu novi pravilnik, prema kojem je vama kao potrošaču omogućeno, da se bolje informirate o kupljenim sredstvima za čišćenje.
Iskoristite ponudu informacija i uvjerite se sami u kvalitetu naših proizvoda.
Preko naše tražilice imate mogućnost naći proizvod po izboru:
U polje upišite EAN kod odgovarajućeg proizvoda.
Since October 2005, a new regulation has come into force in the European Union, which offers a consumer the opportunity to be better informed about the washing and cleaning agents he has purchased.
You should therefore use the information we offer and convince yourself about the quality of our products. You have the possibility of finding the article of your choice over our search system:
Type an EAN (machine-readable bar code) of the concerned product, in the text field.